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Showing 121 - 150 of 331 products


Bob's Fancy Spike Special Shape Condom - Type B (Yellow)

Special Shape Condom bring you a different experience. Total 6 different Shaped * Happy Shaped * Passion Shaped * Free Style Shaped * Open Style Shaped * Vitality Shaped * Power Shaped Each shape 1 in the Set. 对使用安全套已经厌倦了?凸点螺纹都用过了?有没有更新,更好玩,更刺激的了呢?回答是肯定的,异型套,告别平凡,将狼牙套、羊眼圈、太阳圈的优点集于一身。全新的设计,妙趣横生,更重要的是,它将带给女性前所未有体验,激发她最深最敏感处的高潮。让她一泄如注。 她还没有满足?或是没有体验过欲生欲死的境界吗?快买个回去试试吧,或许异型套带给她的,比你想象中的要多得多。 2011年最强悍的套套---鲍勃[异型套] 科学而另类的独特设计,让男人更舒服,让女人的高潮来的更快更猛!!! 本产品头部的特殊设计能够有效刺激女性G点,让女性更容易达到并能有效延长高潮! 6款不同的情趣套套,根据你不同的心情,用什么你自己决定 无论你选择哪一款都具有超级爆发力,让生活从此无遗憾! 点评: 1、最具创造力的套套 迄今为止,店长见过最具个性的套套.以往的套套都是在长度和厚度上做文章.而这6款套套可算是真正打破了传统观念,从男女双方的生理结构和需求上都做到了惊世骇俗的改变!也是亲们提高性爱生活质量的绝佳拍档~!O(∩_∩)O~ 2、多样的设计,丰富的选择 6种设计,各具?厣?.每一款套套都身怀绝技,将太阳圈、羊眼圈的特点都融入了进去~凸点、环纹、平滑等套套的特点也?家灰徽季?.6种选择,6种享受,亲们快快戴上它享受美妙的午夜激情时刻吧~ (*^__^*) 3、最低廉的价格,最超值的享受 如此个性、另类、有效的套套,换来一场无比欢愉的身体交融O(∩_∩)O,亲们是不是有点迫不及待了呢~~快快带上它,一起体验高质量的爱欲吧~~!


Bob's Fancy Spike Special Shape Condom - Type C (Red)

Special Shape Condom bring you a different experience. Total 6 different Shaped * Happy Shaped * Passion Shaped * Free Style Shaped * Open Style Shaped * Vitality Shaped * Power Shaped Each shape 1 in the Set. 对使用安全套已经厌倦了?凸点螺纹都用过了?有没有更新,更好玩,更刺激的了呢?回答是肯定的,异型套,告别平凡,将狼牙套、羊眼圈、太阳圈的优点集于一身。全新的设计,妙趣横生,更重要的是,它将带给女性前所未有体验,激发她最深最敏感处的高潮。让她一泄如注。 她还没有满足?或是没有体验过欲生欲死的境界吗?快买个回去试试吧,或许异型套带给她的,比你想象中的要多得多。 2011年最强悍的套套---鲍勃[异型套] 科学而另类的独特设计,让男人更舒服,让女人的高潮来的更快更猛!!! 本产品头部的特殊设计能够有效刺激女性G点,让女性更容易达到并能有效延长高潮! 6款不同的情趣套套,根据你不同的心情,用什么你自己决定 无论你选择哪一款都具有超级爆发力,让生活从此无遗憾! 点评: 1、最具创造力的套套 迄今为止,店长见过最具个性的套套.以往的套套都是在长度和厚度上做文章.而这6款套套可算是真正打破了传统观念,从男女双方的生理结构和需求上都做到了惊世骇俗的改变!也是亲们提高性爱生活质量的绝佳拍档~!O(∩_∩)O~ 2、多样的设计,丰富的选择 6种设计,各具?厣?.每一款套套都身怀绝技,将太阳圈、羊眼圈的特点都融入了进去~凸点、环纹、平滑等套套的特点也?家灰徽季?.6种选择,6种享受,亲们快快戴上它享受美妙的午夜激情时刻吧~ (*^__^*) 3、最低廉的价格,最超值的享受 如此个性、另类、有效的套套,换来一场无比欢愉的身体交融O(∩_∩)O,亲们是不是有点迫不及待了呢~~快快带上它,一起体验高质量的爱欲吧~~!


Bob's Fancy Spike Special Shape Condom - Type D (Blue)

Special Shape Condom bring you a different experience. Total 6 different Shaped * Happy Shaped * Passion Shaped * Free Style Shaped * Open Style Shaped * Vitality Shaped * Power Shaped Each shape 1 in the Set. 对使用安全套已经厌倦了?凸点螺纹都用过了?有没有更新,更好玩,更刺激的了呢?回答是肯定的,异型套,告别平凡,将狼牙套、羊眼圈、太阳圈的优点集于一身。全新的设计,妙趣横生,更重要的是,它将带给女性前所未有体验,激发她最深最敏感处的高潮。让她一泄如注。 她还没有满足?或是没有体验过欲生欲死的境界吗?快买个回去试试吧,或许异型套带给她的,比你想象中的要多得多。 2011年最强悍的套套---鲍勃[异型套] 科学而另类的独特设计,让男人更舒服,让女人的高潮来的更快更猛!!! 本产品头部的特殊设计能够有效刺激女性G点,让女性更容易达到并能有效延长高潮! 6款不同的情趣套套,根据你不同的心情,用什么你自己决定 无论你选择哪一款都具有超级爆发力,让生活从此无遗憾! 点评: 1、最具创造力的套套 迄今为止,店长见过最具个性的套套.以往的套套都是在长度和厚度上做文章.而这6款套套可算是真正打破了传统观念,从男女双方的生理结构和需求上都做到了惊世骇俗的改变!也是亲们提高性爱生活质量的绝佳拍档~!O(∩_∩)O~ 2、多样的设计,丰富的选择 6种设计,各具?厣?.每一款套套都身怀绝技,将太阳圈、羊眼圈的特点都融入了进去~凸点、环纹、平滑等套套的特点也?家灰徽季?.6种选择,6种享受,亲们快快戴上它享受美妙的午夜激情时刻吧~ (*^__^*) 3、最低廉的价格,最超值的享受 如此个性、另类、有效的套套,换来一场无比欢愉的身体交融O(∩_∩)O,亲们是不是有点迫不及待了呢~~快快带上它,一起体验高质量的爱欲吧~~!


Bob's Fancy Spike Special Shape Condom - Type E (Purple)

Special Shape Condom bring you a different experience. Total 6 different Shaped * Happy Shaped * Passion Shaped * Free Style Shaped * Open Style Shaped * Vitality Shaped * Power Shaped Each shape 1 in the Set. 对使用安全套已经厌倦了?凸点螺纹都用过了?有没有更新,更好玩,更刺激的了呢?回答是肯定的,异型套,告别平凡,将狼牙套、羊眼圈、太阳圈的优点集于一身。全新的设计,妙趣横生,更重要的是,它将带给女性前所未有体验,激发她最深最敏感处的高潮。让她一泄如注。 她还没有满足?或是没有体验过欲生欲死的境界吗?快买个回去试试吧,或许异型套带给她的,比你想象中的要多得多。 2011年最强悍的套套---鲍勃[异型套] 科学而另类的独特设计,让男人更舒服,让女人的高潮来的更快更猛!!! 本产品头部的特殊设计能够有效刺激女性G点,让女性更容易达到并能有效延长高潮! 6款不同的情趣套套,根据你不同的心情,用什么你自己决定 无论你选择哪一款都具有超级爆发力,让生活从此无遗憾! 点评: 1、最具创造力的套套 迄今为止,店长见过最具个性的套套.以往的套套都是在长度和厚度上做文章.而这6款套套可算是真正打破了传统观念,从男女双方的生理结构和需求上都做到了惊世骇俗的改变!也是亲们提高性爱生活质量的绝佳拍档~!O(∩_∩)O~ 2、多样的设计,丰富的选择 6种设计,各具?厣?.每一款套套都身怀绝技,将太阳圈、羊眼圈的特点都融入了进去~凸点、环纹、平滑等套套的特点也?家灰徽季?.6种选择,6种享受,亲们快快戴上它享受美妙的午夜激情时刻吧~ (*^__^*) 3、最低廉的价格,最超值的享受 如此个性、另类、有效的套套,换来一场无比欢愉的身体交融O(∩_∩)O,亲们是不是有点迫不及待了呢~~快快带上它,一起体验高质量的爱欲吧~~!


Bob's Fancy Spike Special Shape Condom - Type F (Pink)

Special Shape Condom bring you a different experience. Total 6 different Shaped * Happy Shaped * Passion Shaped * Free Style Shaped * Open Style Shaped * Vitality Shaped * Power Shaped Each shape 1 in the Set. 对使用安全套已经厌倦了?凸点螺纹都用过了?有没有更新,更好玩,更刺激的了呢?回答是肯定的,异型套,告别平凡,将狼牙套、羊眼圈、太阳圈的优点集于一身。全新的设计,妙趣横生,更重要的是,它将带给女性前所未有体验,激发她最深最敏感处的高潮。让她一泄如注。 她还没有满足?或是没有体验过欲生欲死的境界吗?快买个回去试试吧,或许异型套带给她的,比你想象中的要多得多。 2011年最强悍的套套---鲍勃[异型套] 科学而另类的独特设计,让男人更舒服,让女人的高潮来的更快更猛!!! 本产品头部的特殊设计能够有效刺激女性G点,让女性更容易达到并能有效延长高潮! 6款不同的情趣套套,根据你不同的心情,用什么你自己决定 无论你选择哪一款都具有超级爆发力,让生活从此无遗憾 点评: 1、最具创造力的套套 迄今为止,店长见过最具个性的套套.以往的套套都是在长度和厚度上做文章.而这6款套套可算是真正打破了传统观念,从男女双方的生理结构和需求上都做到了惊世骇俗的改变!也是亲们提高性爱生活质量的绝佳拍档~!O(∩_∩)O~ 2、多样的设计,丰富的选择 6种设计,各具?厣?.每一款套套都身怀绝技,将太阳圈、羊眼圈的特点都融入了进去~凸点、环纹、平滑等套套的特点也?家灰徽季?.6种选择,6种享受,亲们快快戴上它享受美妙的午夜激情时刻吧~ (*^__^*) 3、最低廉的价格,最超值的享受 如此个性、另类、有效的套套,换来一场无比欢愉的身体交融O(∩_∩)O,亲们是不是有点迫不及待了呢~~快快带上它,一起体验高质量的爱欲吧~~!

SAVE RM10.00


This pocket-sized pal is perfect for satisfying your deep-throat desires. Made from a jelly material that grips and slides with suction along your full length, using a tunnel of realistic ridges to give you the slippery-wet blow job of a lifetime. This is the perfect male masturbator for first timers testing the water or for those who want a cheap sex toy that doesn't compromise on sensations. Sitting inside a discreet outer case which has a hole in the base to allow you to vary suction, this petite stroker offers realistic oral sex simulation that will leave you feeling fully satisfied. Measuring 6 inches deep with a slimline diameter of just 0.75 inches which stretches to grip you tight, every thrust offers intense stimulation that swiftly brings you to climax. Easy to clean and 100% waterproof, this masturbator is designed for multiple uses while still remaining disposable, allowing you to experience all of the sensations of a high-end masturbator with none of the expense. A great toy for those looking for a cheap sex toy to spice up the weekend or beginners looking to experiment on a budget. Seasoned sex toy users will love the easy care and use of this complete unit. Includes a sachet of Vulcan lube to make it extra slick. Once used up, substitute with a water-based sexual lubricant. Wash with antibacterial sex toy cleaner and sprinkle with renewer powder once dry to keep the Refined Touch fabric in good condition to help it last longer. How it measures up Colour: Clear Opening style: Mouth Canal diameter: 0.75 inches Internal length: 6 inches How it feels Texture: Textured Material: Realistic Feel Does not contain latex Does not contain phthalates Waterproof

SAVE RM38.00

High Quality 003 Lubricated Regular Dotted Condom / Kondom 144 pcs [Exp. 2028]

003 Lubricated Regular Smooth Condom / Kondom 144 pcs Highlights: * Parallel sided, smooth surface. * Natural rubber latex with shaped teat. * Widtch 52mm +- 2mm, Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex * Electronically and hermetically tested * Lubricated with non-spermicidal lubricant. This Condoms are designed for pleasure and total reliability. Made from premium quality natural rubber latex, each Condom is electronically tested to provide maximum protection and safety. For single use only. Non-vaginal use may result in damage and slipping off. No method of contraception is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and protection against sexually transmitted infections. This Condoms will also help reduce the risk of transmission of HIV (AIDS) and many other sexually transmitted infections (STI's) Warning: Store in a cool, dry place Avoid Direct Sunlight, Oil and Mechanical Damages Each Condom is for single use only Never use a condom more than once


I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms / Kondom 12 pcs

I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms Package include 12 pcs of I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms * Quality products - Made to meet the requirement of ISO 4074: 2002, Directive 93/42/EEC (CE Marking), USD FDA and WHO Specification. * High lubrication for added comfort and stimulation * Heterogeneous products mixtures appeal a greatest choice and different experience. It satisfies the consumer needs and wants. Made in Malaysia


I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms / Kondom 72 pcs

I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms / Kondom 72 pcs Package include 72 pcs of I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms * Quality products - Made to meet the requirement of ISO 4074: 2002, Directive 93/42/EEC (CE Marking), USD FDA and WHO Specification. * High lubrication for added comfort and stimulation * Heterogeneous products mixtures appeal a greatest choice and different experience. It satisfies the consumer needs and wants. Made in Malaysia


I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms / Kondom 144 pcs

I Love You Aroma Strawberry Condoms / Kondom 144 pcs * Total 144 pcs * Quality products - Made to meet the requirement of ISO 4074: 2002, Directive 93/42/EEC (CE Marking), USD FDA and WHO Specification. * High lubrication for added comfort and stimulation * Heterogeneous products mixtures appeal a greatest choice and different experience. It satisfies the consumer needs and wants. Made in Malaysia



Sensaoil is a mixture of leech extract, Pheromone, Hirudin, Histamine, olive oil, pepper and ginger. It contains pure lavender extract that works as antiseptic and soothing agent. Sensaoil functions well as a massage oil for muscle pain, cramps and body ache. Sensaoil is effective in treating pre-mature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and endropouse. Sensaoil can be use as a men s daily healthcare to enlarge penis length, diameter and stiffness. ############################ Sensaoil boleh digunakan sebagai rawatan harian penjagaan zakar, diurut 2 kali sehari dengan teknik yang disertakan di dalam kotak Sensaoil. Teknik urutan tersebut sangat ringkas dan mudah. Apabila anda telah amalkan secara rutin, ia hanya mengambil masa 5 minit setiap sesi. Urut pada waktu pagi dan malam. Anda dinasihatkan tidak membasuh zakar selepas urutan untuk Sensaoil meresap ke dalam kulit melalui epidermis, ke saluran darah. Jangan bimbang kerana Sensaoil didatangkan khas dengan pati minyak Lavender yang harum dan mengandungi anti-septik. Lavender juga mengandungi agen penenang dan anda akan dapat merasai kehangatan Sensaoil hanya dalam beberapa saat setelah menyapunya di mana-mana bahagian kulit Jika Sensaoil disapu pada zakar semasa berasmara, ia juga akan dapat mengaktifkan clitoris, di mana ia bertindak meransang libido/ghairah seksual pasangan anda. Sensaoil perlu diamalkan selalu untuk mengelakkan mati pucuk (erectile dysfunction) dan masalah ejakulasi pra-matang (pre-mature ejaculation). Selain itu, Sensaoil juga dapat membantu lelaki yang inginkan saiz zakar yang ideal. Anda perlu mengurut zakar dengan menggunakan Sensaoil sekerap yang mungkin dalam masa beberapa minggu untuk melihat perubahan pada saiz zakar.

SAVE RM15.10

Fairy Lady infinitely Rechargeable AV Vibrators

The Most Resilient Massager Vibration! Massager Appearance Of Design,Even If Not Embarrassed By Being Found Out! * Portable Magic Wand * Mini Design, Strong Vibration Sense * Japan AV Actress Massager Trademarked * Soft, Flexible & Pliable * Many Function * You Control The Pleasure * With A Partner Or Solo * With Refresh & Blood Circulation Function * Waterproof Massager * USB Rechargeable * Japan Brand Product Size of main body × W3.2cm Diameter of vibration head:3.2 Weight:130g Power Requirements USB Rechargeable Rotational speed HIGH About 11000 times/minute Note 1. Clean after use. 2. You may use together with lubricant. 3. Remove batteries after use. 4. Do not use brushes or acid detergent to wash it, and avoid from washing power supply & electronic parts. 5. Do not coat with dirt or ink. 6. Store in a cool dry place, avoid from direct sunlight.

SAVE RM10.50

High Quality 003 Lubricated Regular Dotted Condom / Kondom 36 pcs [Exp. 2028]

003 Lubricated Dotted Condom / Kondom 36 pcs Highlights: * Parallel sided, dotted surface. * Natural rubber latex with shaped teat. * Widtch 52mm +- 2mm, Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex * Electronically and hermetically tested * Lubricated with non-spermicidal lubricant. This Condoms are designed for pleasure and total reliability. Made from premium quality natural rubber latex, each Condom is electronically tested to provide maximum protection and safety. For single use only. Non-vaginal use may result in damage and slipping off. No method of contraception is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and protection against sexually transmitted infections. This Condoms will also help reduce the risk of transmission of HIV (AIDS) and many other sexually transmitted infections (STI's) Warning: Store in a cool, dry place Avoid Direct Sunlight, Oil and Mechanical Damages Each Condom is for single use only Never use a condom more than once


High Quality 003 Lubricated Regular Dtted Condom / Kondom 12 pcs [Exp. 2028]

003 Lubricated Dotted Condom / Kondom 12 pcs Highlights: * Parallel sided, dotted surface. * Natural rubber latex with shaped teat. * Widtch 52mm +- 2mm, Lubricated Natural Rubber Latex * Electronically and hermetically tested * Lubricated with non-spermicidal lubricant. This Condoms are designed for pleasure and total reliability. Made from premium quality natural rubber latex, each Condom is electronically tested to provide maximum protection and safety. For single use only. Non-vaginal use may result in damage and slipping off. No method of contraception is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and protection against sexually transmitted infections. This Condoms will also help reduce the risk of transmission of HIV (AIDS) and many other sexually transmitted infections (STI's) Warning: Store in a cool, dry place Avoid Direct Sunlight, Oil and Mechanical Damages Each Condom is for single use only Never use a condom more than once


3 Boxes Playsafe Fit-Tex Long Shock / Delay / Prolong Condom / Kondom - 12's

Play Safe Fit-Tex Long Shock is a condom that prolong the act of love making by circulation stimulating effect. Play Safe Fit-Tex Long Shock contain a special lubricant inside the condom that helps delay climax and prolong sexual excitement for longer lasting lovemaking.The climax control lubricant is released by body heat after the condom is rolled onto the penis so that the male genitals are desensitized with no loss of sensation for the partner. Play Safe is one of the most popular condom brands in Malaysia. With an extensive lineup, folks are certain to find a condom which is right for them. Economical. Takoso, the manufacturer of Play Safe condoms, also makes Romantic Condoms.

SAVE RM13.00

High Quality Sexy Shoulder Less Black Colour Skinny Dress

High Quality Sexy Shoulder Less Black Colour Skinny Dress - Come With Sexy Panty - Sensuous,Provocative And Stretches To Fit - Comfortable, And Easy to Clean - Washable - One Size Fits Most - Pattern and Colour As Picture Item Include: Dress, Panty Washing method: 40 degrees below the temperature by hand, not machine wash, hang dry, prohibit bleaching.

SAVE RM13.00

Pink Color Sexy Cute Bunny Costume / Performance Dress up Lingerie

Color: as seen Size: Free Size - Sexy Cute Pink Rabbit Costume - Sensuous, Provocative And Stretches To Fit - Comfortable, And Easy to Clean - Washable - One Size Fits Most - Pattern and Pink Color As Picture Product Details:- Materials : Polyester Fiber Contains a set of Five, rabbit dress + rabbit ear hairband + 2 rabbit hand wrist


Spike Shape Fun Sex Condom - Type A (Blue Dragon)

Spike Shape Fun Sex Condom - Type A (Blue Dragon) Spike Shape Condom bring you a different experience 2 pieces spike shape condoms and 1 piece regular condom in the box Condom width : 52++ mm


Spike Shape Fun Sex Condom - Type D (Red Tiger)

Spike Shape Fun Sex Condom - Type D (Red Tiger) Spike Shape Condom bring you a different experience 2 pieces spike shape condoms and 1 piece regular condom in the box Condom width : 52++ mm


Bob's Spike Special Shape Condom Set - Random Pick 3 Piece

Special Shape Condom bring you a different experience. Random Pick 3 Piece from the below 6 types * Happy Shaped * Passion Shaped * Free Style Shaped * Open Style Shaped * Vitality Shaped * Power Shaped

SAVE RM19.10

Crystal Soft Delay Reusable Condom (Kondom Kristal Tahan Lama) - Type D

Super soft silicone prolong sex time Fine crystal stimulus sets, worn on the penis,can enhance the stimulation of female pleasure and prolong male pleasers time with the prolong male pleasure time with the lubricant after cleaning the proper collection.( Reusable) quality super elastic natural rubber manufacturing Highlight : * Crystal soft * Delay and long lasting condom * TPR Silicone material * Elasticity * Reusable and washable * Textured as per pictured Usage : after erection, set in the penis,you can enjoy happy hour,the product with the lubricant effect is more. Features: Solid fine, prolong sex time ,increase female sexual pleasure,to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of life. Note: * The apparatus for personal use should pay attention to hygiene before and after use * Do not coat contact with the ink and other dirt easily.

SAVE RM19.10

Crystal Soft Delay Reusable Condom (Kondom Kristal Tahan Lama) - Type B

Super soft silicone prolong sex time Fine crystal stimulus sets, worn on the penis,can enhance the stimulation of female pleasure and prolong male pleasers time with the prolong male pleasure time with the lubricant after cleaning the proper collection.( Reusable) quality super elastic natural rubber manufacturing Highlight : * Crystal soft * Delay and long lasting condom * TPR Silicone material * Elasticity * Reusable and washable * Textured as per pictured Usage : after erection, set in the penis,you can enjoy happy hour,the product with the lubricant effect is more. Features: Solid fine, prolong sex time ,increase female sexual pleasure,to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of life. Note: * The apparatus for personal use should pay attention to hygiene before and after use * Do not coat contact with the ink and other dirt easily.


Reusable Crystal condom Hot Penis Crystal Condom (Kondom Duri Tahan Lama) - Type A

• Dots for Extra Pleasure. • Waterproof. • Increases intercourse time. • Easily Fits any size. • Type : Assorted. • Smooth simulation patterns, top glans solid design built-in vibration, the effective growth of 2-3cm. Can effectively stimulate the sensitive parts of women, so that women get more pleasure, make the couple happy. It on female wall and cervix produce the greatest degree of friction, so that women climaxes. • Reusable & Washable Condom for Men can be used many times with dots for extra pleasure. • Just roll this condom like regular condom and unroll. • You can also use Lube for the ease of wearing this condom. • The outer convex soft spines stimulate the female, resulting in a strong stimulus, so that it constantly orgasm, pleasure rolling. Will bring great pleasure to women


Reusable Crystal condom Hot Penis Crystal Condom (Kondom Duri Tahan Lama) - Type B

• Dots for Extra Pleasure. • Waterproof. • Increases intercourse time. • Easily Fits any size. • Type : Assorted. • Smooth simulation patterns, top glans solid design built-in vibration, the effective growth of 2-3cm. Can effectively stimulate the sensitive parts of women, so that women get more pleasure, make the couple happy. It on female wall and cervix produce the greatest degree of friction, so that women climaxes. • Reusable & Washable Condom for Men can be used many times with dots for extra pleasure. • Just roll this condom like regular condom and unroll. • You can also use Lube for the ease of wearing this condom. • The outer convex soft spines stimulate the female, resulting in a strong stimulus, so that it constantly orgasm, pleasure rolling. Will bring great pleasure to women


Reusable Crystal condom Hot Penis Crystal Condom (Kondom Duri Tahan Lama) - Type C

• Dots for Extra Pleasure. • Waterproof. • Increases intercourse time. • Easily Fits any size. • Type : Assorted. • Smooth simulation patterns, top glans solid design built-in vibration, the effective growth of 2-3cm. Can effectively stimulate the sensitive parts of women, so that women get more pleasure, make the couple happy. It on female wall and cervix produce the greatest degree of friction, so that women climaxes. • Reusable & Washable Condom for Men can be used many times with dots for extra pleasure. • Just roll this condom like regular condom and unroll. • You can also use Lube for the ease of wearing this condom. • The outer convex soft spines stimulate the female, resulting in a strong stimulus, so that it constantly orgasm, pleasure rolling. Will bring great pleasure to women


Reusable Crystal condom Hot Penis Crystal Condom (Kondom Duri Tahan Lama) - Type D

• Dots for Extra Pleasure. • Waterproof. • Increases intercourse time. • Easily Fits any size. • Type : Assorted. • Smooth simulation patterns, top glans solid design built-in vibration, the effective growth of 2-3cm. Can effectively stimulate the sensitive parts of women, so that women get more pleasure, make the couple happy. It on female wall and cervix produce the greatest degree of friction, so that women climaxes. • Reusable & Washable Condom for Men can be used many times with dots for extra pleasure. • Just roll this condom like regular condom and unroll. • You can also use Lube for the ease of wearing this condom. • The outer convex soft spines stimulate the female, resulting in a strong stimulus, so that it constantly orgasm, pleasure rolling. Will bring great pleasure to women


Reusable Crystal condom Hot Penis Crystal Condom (Kondom Duri Tahan Lama) - Type E

• Dots for Extra Pleasure. • Waterproof. • Increases intercourse time. • Easily Fits any size. • Type : Assorted. • Smooth simulation patterns, top glans solid design built-in vibration, the effective growth of 2-3cm. Can effectively stimulate the sensitive parts of women, so that women get more pleasure, make the couple happy. It on female wall and cervix produce the greatest degree of friction, so that women climaxes. • Reusable & Washable Condom for Men can be used many times with dots for extra pleasure. • Just roll this condom like regular condom and unroll. • You can also use Lube for the ease of wearing this condom. • The outer convex soft spines stimulate the female, resulting in a strong stimulus, so that it constantly orgasm, pleasure rolling. Will bring great pleasure to women


Reusable Crystal condom Hot Penis Crystal Condom (Kondom Duri Tahan Lama)

5 pieces different textures crystal condoms. • Dots for Extra Pleasure. • Waterproof. • Increases intercourse time. • Easily Fits any size. • Type : Assorted. • Smooth simulation patterns, top glans solid design built-in vibration, the effective growth of 2-3cm. Can effectively stimulate the sensitive parts of women, so that women get more pleasure, make the couple happy. It on female wall and cervix produce the greatest degree of friction, so that women climaxes. • Reusable & Washable Condom for Men can be used many times with dots for extra pleasure. • Just roll this condom like regular condom and unroll. • You can also use Lube for the ease of wearing this condom. • The outer convex soft spines stimulate the female, resulting in a strong stimulus, so that it constantly orgasm, pleasure rolling. Will bring great pleasure to women

SAVE RM10.00

I Love You Regular 003 Condoms / Kondom 24 pcs

I Love You Regular 003 Condoms Package include 24 pcs of I Love You Regular 003 Condoms * Quality products - Made to meet the requirement of ISO 4074: 2002, Directive 93/42/EEC (CE Marking), USD FDA and WHO Specification. * High lubrication for added comfort and stimulation * Heterogeneous products mixtures appeal a greatest choice and different experience. It satisfies the consumer needs and wants. Made in Malaysia


Stay Hard Beaded Cock Rings (Ring Tahan Lama) - Transparent

Stay Hard Beaded Cock Ring is a device you use when your penis is in erection. Stay Hard Beaded Cock Ring can help prevent premature ejaculation. These Ring can: * prevent premature ejaculation * achieve maximum erection help penis stay hard and in erection even after ejaculation How to Use Open and wear the penile ring in your penis based when your penis in erection just before sexual intercourse. If you use condom, please wear condom first before use penile ring. ==================================================== Stay Hard Beaded Cock merupakan alatan yang dipakai sewaktu zakar sedang menegang dan mampu membantu lelaki mengawal pancutan pra-matang. Percaya atau tidak pancutan pra matang atau “cepat pancut” merupakan satu masalah besar dalam hubungan seksual suami isteri. Tidak mahukah anda melihat isteri anda tersenyum kepuasan dan meminta seround lagi atas kehebatan anda diranjang ?


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