
1. Online Payment

  • Step 1. During the Check out process, you will see the Online Payment screen as below.

  • Step 2. Choose your payment method you prefer from the list, and press "Continue"
    You will see payment page from our appointed Payment Gateway.

  • Step 3. Follow the given instruction to complete the payment.
  • Step 4. After complete the payment, we will receive a notification from the online payment service and verify it.
  • Step 5. Once payment confirmed, we will deliver the items to your shipping address.

2. CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) / ATM

Greentail Marketing S/B 5122 4050 9164
Greentail Marketing S/B 316 7933 319
*NOTE: PLEASE INFORM US ASAP AFTER PAYMENT MADE. EMAIL: or Whatsapp : 016-3822022 or update at

Email must contain the following information :-

  • Order ID (eg: #273890)
  • Bank in Amount (eg: RM49.00)
  • Bank in Method (eg: MBB cash deposit, MBB Online Funds Transfer, CIMB, Credit Card etc)
  • Print Screen or Take Photo of your Bank in Slip

After the payment is cleared, we will deliver the items to your shipping address.


If you have trouble receiving e-mail from us, please click HERE.

Thank you for ordering with us. If you have any enquiry, please feel free to email us at

Help Topic::Making Bank Transfer Payment Online

We had create some help file to educate gundam fan & buyers on how to make payment via online transfer, please click on below icon to understand how-to.

3. E-wallet: Duit Now QR code

This QR-Code is specific for all E-wallet application (e.g. TNG, Boost, Grab Pay, Shopee Pay, and etc), which you can use to pay without the hassle of using physical cash and enjoy multiple benefits of e-wallet. This QR code also support major local banks QR Pay features too.

Scan our QR code and pay